While we want to help new authors, the fact is we add very few and those that are represented by us, usually have previous publishing experience. With that in mind we would ask that you follow our submission guidelines. We represent non-fiction exclusively and take on very few new clients. If possible send a short query via e-mail. Give us a short (2-3 paragraphs) description about your project and one paragraph about you. Include your website or sites where any of your previous work might have been published. If we think we might be able to help or could be the right agency we will respond asking for more material.
You can send by mail and, if so, follow these guidelines:
- A query letter that includes a brief description of the book and what category of non-fiction it would be.
- An outline of the project and its market.
- A table of contents with chapter headings and a brief description of material covered in each section.
- A sample chapter.
- A bio that includes your qualifications to write on your subject, your writing experience and published works.
Please note:
- We receive many submissions, so please be patient. We will respond to you as quickly as we can.
- Make sure you have provided full contact details, including your email address.
- We are not an editorial service, and will not be able to adequately assess early drafts of your work. When you submit it to us, you should consider your work ready for a publisher to see.
- Please do not send more sample chapters than requested. When we want to see the whole manuscript , if complete, we will ask for it.
- While all care is taken, please do not send original documents or illustrations.
- If you want your material returned, please include a stamped self-addressed envelope with adequate postage, otherwise, material will be recycled. (US stamps are not adequate; they do not work in Canada.)
- We do not accept queries by phone. If you are unsure whether your writing is appropriate for our list please email us.
Seventh Avenue Literary Agency
16708-20th Avenue
Surrey BC V3Z 9R4